Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So far this week

So far this week we have been up to the following things:

Saying hi to and marching after the cats.

Making a quiche for dinner with a whole wheat/flax meal crust.

Meeting new friends at Urban Toddler. Mama got to reconnect with an old high school friend and Ingrid got to chase around two older kids.

Making blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

And taking out every toy/piece of clothing possible. Big messes are the best!


MaryAnne said...

Love the photo with the cat! My kids love making big messes too...

How did the whole wheat/flax meal crust turn out?

Amber Liddle said...

I liked it a lot! It didn't taste much different than the usual crust I make. My husband would disagree, but he was the one to suggest we change small things to eat healthier :)