Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Eve, Mom Style

We had such a great New Year's Eve this year, and we didn't leave our house!  The kids took naps until five pm, so they were ready to stay up and party.  I walked over to Walgreens to get snacks and came home with some noisemakers, carmel corn, Dots, Pringles, and chocolate covered peanuts.  Which we ate all of that night!  Ingrid thought it was so cool to be allowed to stay up, and she did so well, too.  Otis was in bed at the normal time, which gave us plenty of one on one time with the girl.  We had pjs on, sleeping bags and pillows all over the floor, and we just hung out.  Junk food, tv, games on the ipad, just hanging out together.  Much better than spending a ton of money at a bar getting drunk and then coming home to crash in your smelly clothes.  Seriously.


MaryAnne said...

Sounds awesome. Happy New Year!

Preparing for Peanut said...


I love New Years at home. I may make a pact to NEVER go out on New Years's never fun! Staying in, making a fancy dinner, having a fire, and relaxing with the fam and/or friends is way better.