I found some old pictures and thought I would share. I'll have to get some of Brendan's old ones, too, so everyone can see how much Ingrid looks like him!
We had a very mellow Thanksgiving this year. Ingrid hung out downstairs and played in the living room so she could be near the action. She also sat at the table with us while we ate and tried to eat the tablecloth. I gave her some mashed potatoes but she didn't like all the salt! Maybe next year...
So it's apparently winter in Wisconsin. Yuck. Ingrid had to get a new winter hat because her polka dot one wouldn't cover her ears anymore. It's cute. We went to see Gramma and Aunt Denice at the cottage. They made Ingrid a snowman! She enjoyed chewing on the remote and laying around with Gramma. She did NOT enjoy the "earrings" Gramma put on her, however...
Today Ingrid is six months old. She had her doctor appointment and is 16 lb 14 oz, 28 in long. She got her shots and did so much better than last time!! She was very into the paper on the table and had eaten most of it up by the time the doctor made it into the room. Brendan and I went last weekend to get Ingrid her big girl stroller! We found a cool one with giraffes all over it. Cute! Ingrid has also been really into remotes. She will grab it out of your hand if given half a chance. I had on the TV today and let her play with the DVD remote. She thought that was pretty cool.
Because she won't be fitting into these Christmas clothes for much longer, I decided to put them on her while they DO fit and take a picture. Now I just have to figure out what she'll be wearing for the actual holiday...
Ingrid has her first tooth! It just popped through last night or this morning, which makes the past few days make so much sense! She went from sleeping through the night to waking up two or three times. Ugh! But I get it now, it must hurt to get your teeth...
Ingrid also had an infected cheek. Her cheeks got chapped from all her drool, then got an infection. So her cute rosy cheeks were actually not that cute. But after a little Neosporin, they are fine. She got her six month pictures taken today by our friend Tia. I can't wait to see them, she does such great work! Ingrid was so tired and wouldn't smile for most of them, just gave her open-mouth big eyed stare, but they should be cute anyway. She has grown so much! Her six month appointment is next week, so I'll be sure to share her stats when I get them.
We are so happy to have Obama be our next president. Ingrid sported her tshirt for the morning, until it got covered with sweet potatoes. Plus it was a size or two too big...We got way into the spirit and even got political cookies they had at the grocery store. No Obama ones were left, so we settled for McCain ones.
Yesterday Brendan and I took Ingrid back to Kettle Moraine for some hiking. Last time we went it was SUPER buggy out and we had no fun. This time, however, we went with James and Ulrike and the weather was beautiful and we had the best time! Ingrid fell asleep in the front pack and then woke up to watch the trees and enjoy the day.
Ingrid's friends Sam and Grace came over to play a few days ago. It is great to get together with them because their mom Betsy and I trade things. I had some things Ingrid won't be wearing, she had some things Grace doesn't fit into. It all works out so well! Ingrid was mesmerized by Sam, she kept grabbing at him and giving him drooly smiles.
Last weekend was trick or treating around here and Ingrid helped Grandma Kathy and Daddy give out candy. We weren't planning on dressing her up but I'd gotten this bunny hat when I was pregnant and it came in handy. Cute whiskers!!