Friday, May 7, 2010

Settling In

Well, we are here!  And I finally have internet after being on the phone for almost 2 hours last night and this morning.  It is so exciting to be in a new place!

So last weekend I was home alone with Ingrid while Brendan jetted off to Chicago for a friend's wedding.  I tried to get everything packed up so we would be ready to go Monday morning, and I truly thought I had done a good job.  But it was hard with Ingrid trying to "help" and I got tired by the end of the day Sunday.  I did not want to see one more box or clean one more thing.  So I quit.  I really shouldn't have...

Monday morning we got the truck, started moving the big stuff in, and then I took Ingrid to a friend's.  We packed the truck, packed my car, and the only stuff left to bring over was whatever was in the two front closets and the cats.  No problem!  We took off to the new house, started unloading things, I had to go get Ingrid from her friend's house.  I thought I'd take a break for awhile but no, I couldn't just sit and look at boxes all over the place.  I started to move things around and unpack, and then I realized it was getting late and I still had to go back to the apartment and finish packing and cleaning. 

Like I said, we had way more things in the closets than I thought.  So I packed as much as I could in my car, cleaned everything up, and called Brendan in tears because the cats and their litter boxes would not fit in my car and I did not want to make yet another 20 minute trip back at 5pm.  But we had to hand in our keys and get our stuff out, so it had to be done.  Bless him, Brendan offered to come back and finish up.  Bless him, seriously! 

By the end of the day, we were all moved out of the apartment, and our new house was in shambles with boxes, random tools, and animals floating around.  Ingrid was going on no sleep and was freaked out to be in a new house, we were absolutely exhausted and in pain--it was just the two of us moving so we had done a ton of going up and down stairs and lifting heavy things all day long.  Both Brendan and I said next time we move we are moving into a place we will stay at for more than a year, and someone else is going to move our stuff.  We are SO SICK of doing this every year!! 

Now it's been a few days and we are settling in nicely.  Cody and Ingrid love the back yard, Ingrid loves loves loves her new playroom in the basement, even though we haven't got a rug yet and her little feet get so cold on the concrete floor.  I love all the windows and the light that pours in, and we all love the cute neighborhood we live in.  There's a park three blocks away we've gone to every afternoon, all the houses are adorable and everyone takes such good care of their gardens.  Brendan especially likes the fact he doesn't have a commute anymore.  He rode his bike to work yesterday and even came home for lunch! 

Pictures to come soon.  I have to paint the awful mustard colored living room and find some rugs for the floors.  Right now they are a muddy mess from a dog and an almost 2 year old!  But Ingrid's birthday party is coming up and we will try to get it looking like a home before then.  Then I have to have surgery and I won't care a thing about what my house looks like, so while I care, I should get things done.  I am just so happy we are here and I don't have to think about moving again for another year!


  1. So glad you are in and starting to enjoy the new place.
    The moving day sounds a nightmare, but then they always are, and I always end up in tears too! We plan on being in this house for a looong time...

    When you get a minute pm me your new address, as the girls want to send a little Swiss care package to Ingrid :-)

  2. Closets really do hold a TON. I hate moving, and am so glad to be settled for the foreseeable future. Good luck getitng moved in!
