Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ingrid's Room!

Ingrid's room is the first (and only) room done in the house.  Turns out I didn't even need to make anything for it, her old curtains go well, the paint is a good color, and she's obsessed with her current blankie so why make another one she might not use?  I had grand visions of putting up shelves and other things on the wall but we have that rock hard plaster, so I bent about ten nails trying to hang the banner and decided to nix the shelves.  We put up a simple plastic shelving unit instead, and it works just as well.

I did manage to get some things hung up, including the banner I had wanted to make.  These things are so freakin' cute, I just love how it turned out.  I was inspired by the vintage pillowcase I had, and found some matching fabrics in my stash.  The other day it was pouring down rain and Ingrid played in her playroom and I sewed and it was wonderful!

Here are her Dutch and German things.  The little house was at one time a barometer, and depending on the weather either the lady or the man would pop out of the house!  And of course I have her little wooden shoes there, she's got a little collection going now.

I just love how the light comes in and the trees are right there by the window.  There is something so calming about her room.  It's very simple and there isn't a lot of stuff in it.  I need to take that idea and bring it in the other rooms of the house, as they are all filled with crap right now!  One box at a time, we're getting there. 


  1. PERFECT!!! i love the banner...that vintage sheet is a great print...but i love the photo of your arms. the little shoe collection is great to! oh and i had one of those prints with the boy and girl that i was saving until i had a girl and it was in my parents attic...well it got water damage on it!

  2. Very Cute room:) Enjoy your new House:)

  3. Her room is gorgeous Amber - I love really simple childrens bedrooms. And the banner is fantastic. It looks so pretty.

  4. What a cute room, it looks very simple and cozy.

    Good luck unpacking the rest of the house, and Happy Mother's Day!
