Friday, October 11, 2013

The Zoo with My Guy

Yesterday was beautiful so Otis and I headed to the zoo.  Usually our zoo trips are with friends, lots of kids running pell mell through the zoo, wanting to play at the park and complaining about being tired.  But with just Otis and I, it was so relaxing!  We meandered through the animals, only seeing what we wanted.  We stopped and ate lunch and had a treat afterward.  When it was time to go home, we popped on over to the train and took a ride before leaving.  Just me and my guy.  A perfect fall day.


  1. I've made this same discovery! Zoo trips with just one kid are the best! Every time we meet people/other kids there it is WAY crazy and is never that fun. I end up being way too tired and cranky at the end and ditto goes for Cohen!

  2. What a cutie. Extra cute points matching his hair to fall leaves ;)
