Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today is the recall election for our governor.  Brendan and I were living in Michigan when the original election took place and we were absolutely amazed that Scott Walker won.  I honestly didn't understand how that could've happened!  He had been the county executive in Milwaukee and didn't do a very good job, how could he be the head of the whole state??? 

Well, the past year has shown what a bang up job he's done.  I'm not the most well-read on the goings on of state politics, but even I know that using the excuse of balancing the budget to cut out collective bargaining rights for teachers and other unions is a shady deal.  I just can't believe that people out there think teachers and nurses and such are living in the lap of luxury somehow.  Every teacher I know is making a basic wage and has to pay for their room supplies out of their own pocket.  Plus they get stabbed, peed on, and otherwise manhandled by their students (I know inner city teachers...) I don't think paying for their insurance is too much to ask for.  I would pay higher taxes if everyone could get their insurance paid for.  Call me a socialist if you will, but I think health care is something everyone should be able to have, not just those that can afford it.

Anyway...Walker has also been turning back women's equal pay and women's choice.  Our state motto is "forward" and yet this asshole is turning back the clock.  I can't take it!  It needs to stop!  I am going to take my kids and vote today, and I hope if you're in Wisconsin, you'll do the same. 



  1. Good luck WIsconsin. Hopefully people get their heads outta their asses and vote for the RIGHT thing...unlike here in the beautiful (racist, homophobic) south.

  2. Yep, sad indeed. It makes me wonder what people are thinking...
