Monday, April 16, 2012

Breakfast with Benjamin Bunny

We took the kids to a fun little Easter event this weekend--breakfast with Benjamin Bunny at George Watts.  It's a cool shop downtown that has a tea room upstairs.  This event was a fun morning with coloring, food, drinking out of crystal goblets, and meeting big stuffed bunnies.  Oh, and Jemima Puddleduck made it, too! 
Daddy and Otis, before the crying began.

Jemima Puddleduck!

It's funny because we never have taken the kids to get pictures with Santa or the Easter Bunny or any theme park characters before.  Ingrid did not like the idea at first, she kept asking with a hint of terrror, "Is the bunny going to be at our table??"  But once she saw they were just big stuffed animals that walked around, she couldn't stop hugging them! 
Mrs. Watts herself reading a story.

Otis, however, cried whenever they got near.  Taking their picture with them was an act of child abuse, according to him!  But who doesn't have a picture of their screaming kid with some huge dressed up character?
It was so fun, definitely something we'll do again next year!

1 comment:

  1. SUUUUPER cute! Ingrid is in love! And Otis's face matches his hair. :) What a fun Easter event!
