Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Work Trips Suck.

Brendan is in Albuquerque for three days.  I know three days is not long, he's been gone for longer before and it's been fine.  But this time I am so drained.  Otis is getting molars, so his sleep has been horrible.  He has been super clingy and will not let me set him down--he arches his back and throws his head back so I can't sit him down, or goes jelly-bones so I can't have him stand.  It's 
We have tried having fun, we went to the community center for playgroup, we even headed to the zoo yesterday to take advantage of the nice weather.  We saw baby lions and a baby orangutang.  It was fun.  For the time we were out of the house.  Then we came home and no one was happy...

It's been a long two days.  We have one more to go.  Wish us luck.


  1. Little Otis's face says it all.

    Hang in their Mama - sometimes those business trips are hard.

  2. Sofia saw this and just said, "oooooh, odie...."

  3. Such a sad, sad face!

    Business trips are tough, especially when kids (or mom) don't feel good. Hope tomorrow goes better for you!
