Friday, January 6, 2012


Ingrid and Otis have been having a lot of fun together.  I got some cute pictures of them over the past couple days and thought I'd share.
Not that she's always pleased, but they have fun.

Otis likes to climb.

ridiculously LOUD ball toy, they love it so I can't get rid of it.


  1. That toy is ABSURDLY loud! We had one, and I was so happy when it finally broke!

    Love these photos of the two of them! Nothing better than siblings playing together =)

  2. Brilliant pics, and I still maintain that the best thing we have ever done for our girls is to give them a sibling!

  3. Oh my god, maryanne, we had one of the ball poppers when Ingrid was little and I left it at B's parent's house when we moved, would NOT bring it with us! Then at the hospital this was Otis' gift they gave us!! I thought about "forgetting" it at the hospital...
