Thursday, November 24, 2011


I'm thankful for these guys right here! 
Once upon a time I was a single gal that was often bored and wondering what I was going to do with my life.  Now I have a great husband, a sassy little girl, and the cuddliest baby boy.  I'm thankful that everyone's healthy (minus some snot) and that Brendan has a job and we don't have to move this winter.  I'm thankful that this December I won't be in the hospital on bedrest!  I'm thankful that I got into Art Vs Craft this year and I can hopefully sell a buncha junk and use the money to get my family nice presents for Christmas (something we haven't had money to do in a few years!) 

I'm thankful all year long, but today I'll take a break and tell the world.  I love my family.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Glad things are going so well for you! I love your curtains!
