Monday, October 3, 2011

A Lovely Weekend

It was a perfect weekend of sun and family.  Otis has been crawling...backward.  He ended up under the couch and got mad.  Ingrid got new tennis shoes and wore them to bed Friday night.  Silly.

Otis decided not to take a nap Saturday morning, so we walked over to soccer with Brendan and Ingrid.  That is hilarious-- tons of preschoolers running around, a coach trying to get them to listen.  Ingrid is so social, just runs right up to the other kids and starts talking.  She loves it!

We had a good day yesterday, too.  A sunny afternoon outside with the family when we know the sun is going to go away soon, we have to take advantage of it!  Otis was having fun chewing on leaves and sticks.  And snotting everywhere.  Still.  Are we destined to have runny noses all fall and winter??  He was on a no nap streak and stayed up all afternoon, which does not make for the happiest baby around. 

And now it's back to school, and back to sewing.  My halloween felt garland got onto the front page of etsy yesterday morning so I've had orders for them like crazy!  I will be spending Otis' naptime watching last night's Breaking Bad and cutting out orange and black felt circles!

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