Monday, August 29, 2011

The Cottage

We had a lovely weekend at the cottage.  It was sunny and gorgeous, the kids were in good moods, Brendan and I were having a great time.  We went to parks, the beach, the backyard.  It was so quiet and peaceful.

Ingrid went on her first kayak ride!  She liked it okay, but was a little uncomfortable so the ride wasn't long.  Brendan will make a kayaker out of her before too long, though.
Otis had fun eating grass.
He started clapping this weekend!  Tried to get a video but of course the camera was kaput.  That stupid thing never works when you want it to!

Ingrid had fun doing all sorts of things, including play dough, swimming, and naked peanut butter and jelly eating. 
Last year we had to drive six or seven hours to get there, I am SO glad it's now a 45 minute drive!!


  1. Sounds like a fantastic weekend!

    Otis has the best smile ever!

  2. I love your cottage! looks so beautiful and relaxing and just time away from routine xx
