Friday, July 8, 2011

Smiley Guy in Rompers.

 So I've realized that for a baby boy, vintage is hard to come by unless it's a romper.  Which is fine, they're super cute.  But I think of all the adorable dresses I had for Ingrid and I can't believe how boring vintage boy can be!  I do have some cute Health Tex overalls and tshirts for when he's a toddler, but for now, it's rompers.  Yesterday we put on the bear fishing romper.  We also have a baseball romper, a plaid romper, and I'm sure I'm forgetting at least one other one. 

But look how smiley this little dude is!  He is seriously in a good mood about 90% of the time.  He is officially sitting with only minimal help.  He eats three bowls of food a day, and still nurses all the time.  He has exploded in size, for real.  We went to get Ingrid's hair cut yesterday by a friend and she was amazed at how big he looked.  Just a month ago he still looked like a wee baby, and now he's this chattering ball of drool.  His favorite things are his sister, his Exersaucer, and his feet.  So easily pleased. 


  1. love this kid!!!

  2. He looks so happy! LOVE that smile!

  3. He is so adorable. His hair is so red! Excersaucers are a blast. Ethan is liking his more and more. Do you have one of those doorway jumper things? I want to try one but wonder if Ethan will like it...

  4. We do have a doorway jumper, but he doesn't like it. A friend has this one:

    He liked that. But I'm not going to spend more money on things for him to sit in :)
