Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Toys for the Shop!

I love it when I think I have absolutely no time to get anything done, but at the end of the day I realize I actually did quite a bit.  That's how today went.  It definitely is easier to accomplish things when you start your day at 5:30 AM, thank you very much, Ingrid. 

I had three giraffes I'd made awhile ago, my post-Easter stuffed animal for the shop.  Somehow I never got around to sewing the little hole shut.  Stupid things like that always keep me from finishing something!  But today I found ten minutes to close both guys up and managed to take pictures and post them on Etsy.  Hurray!

So here they are:

Cute, huh?  Ingrid thought so, she kept trying to steal them from me!  I also finished up a sensory toy.  I made a couple of these for friends and had been thinking about making them for the shop but, because I have two kids and move a lot, I never got around to it.  But alas, one got done today!

I love that Alexander Henry fabric! 

I hope to get more finished soon, but Friday we leave for our camping trip.  Ha!  I am both excited and terrified by that idea.  When we took Ingrid before, it was awful.  I asked Brendan about twenty times if this campsite was level.  It is.  Phew.

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