Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hanging Out in the SUN!

Ahhh, the sun.  How glad I am it's been around for the past few days!  We have had plenty of good outdoors time, without shoes, without coats, without umbrellas.  Awesome.

Ingrid has been getting really good at her tricycle.  We were thinking of getting her a balance bike.  Anyone have one?  What do you think of them?  Worth the money? 

Otis is growing like nonstop, I swear.  I had gone through to get his six month clothes out of the bin in his closet and now he's into 9 month clothes as well.  Our friends Jess and Ben brought over a bag of the CUTEST clothes for him last weekend.  He sported this plaid number today, which really brought out the blue eyes.  Dang, he's cute.
He's been eating oatmeal with various baby food mixed in.  I wasn't sure I was going to feed him solids yet but that kid was ready.  He stares at our food when we're eating like a begging puppy dog, and if you get anywhere near him, he'll grab your spoon.  Every feeding he eats a whole bowl, he's a pig.  Which is good, he has to catch up!
I got a ton of new bibs ready for the shop.  I took advantage of the nice day outside and had Ingrid model them.  She gave me this lovely fake smile after I kept saying "Come on, smile!  Look at the camera!  Cheese and crackers!  Smile!"  She was not having it, so she gave me this. 
I guess I asked for it.

Today Otis and I went to the park while Ingrid was at school and we saw that the wading pool is open!!  So we are headed there tomorrow with a picnic and lots of sunscreen and we're gonna get our summer on.  Finally.


  1. Amber, wow summer how beautiful! Otis is growing so quick! I love the idea of ingrids little preschool and icsn imagine the philosophy suiting her beautifully xx pep has a balance bike, 2 wheeler with training wheels, but adores her scooter mostxx

  2. Haha, the last two pictures cracked me up! Your kids are great!

  3. Hooray for summer! Ingrid's "smile" is hilarious!

    We have a balance bike, and my kids like it. I let them ride it inside, because it doesn't take up that much space. And I'm desperate for them to do something active indoors! All their friend fight over it when they're here unless I hide it.

    It was a lot taller than I thought it was - Johnny barely fits it now, in spite of being a pretty tall 3.5yo and the bike being advertised for 2-5yos. So you might want to test them out for height first...

  4. Love all the pics of the kids. They suddenly got big!
    Balance bikes - get one! They rock and both my kids transitioned to a 2 wheeler (no training wheels) without a backward glance at age 4.

    And even though Sofie is six, she sometimes drags out her old balance bike and plays around on it anyway, 'cause balance bikes are just plain fun.

    Did I already say you should get one?....

  5. We had a balance bike that neither kid cared for. For me it was a waste of money...until I sold it on craigslist for as much as I paid for it! Whoot! I'd borrow one for her to try. Lorenzo went directly from his trike to a two wheeler no big deal. I think those things are like wipe warmers.... Do you REALLY need it?

  6. P.s. My kids love their scooters best too....
