Monday, May 16, 2011

Five Months Old!

Another month has flown past.  Otis is now five months old and, I think, has mostly caught up to his non-preemie peers.  He's laughing and grasping at toys, he rolls over.  His favorite things are his sister and listening to patty-cake and the Wheels on the Bus.  I just had to go through his box of clothes to find ones that fit, and we came up with a bunch of wintery things that I didn't think he would fit into until summer.  But wouldn't you know it, we live in Wisconsin, where the weather sucks and is cold and rainy until June.  Lucky for us!

This is how Otis fell asleep in the Moby the other day.  Tell me how that could possibly be comfortable??
And here's what Ingrid was up to at five months.  We fed her solid foods?  I don't feel anywhere near doing that yet with Otis!


  1. hi there! ive missed your blog and totally missed the fact you had another baby! so, a very belated congratulations!! he is adorable!and love that pic of him asleep in the moby:)
