Friday, April 29, 2011

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green...

Little one was in a green diaper on a green blanket this morning.  What a little leprechaun!

And while he was being Irish, Ingrid was being British.  We watched the royal wedding this morning (DVRed it, was not about to wake up at 3am...) After the wedding she had to put on her princess dress and crown.  Oh lord.

Yesterday was fun, too!  We went to the Betty Brinn Children's Museum and Ingrid got to run loose.  We got a membership that will come in handy on rainy days and in the winter.  When we got home, Otis, who had been asleep in the Moby the entire outing, woke up and was nothing but smiles.  Yay!

Cuteness.  And now it's the weekend and it's supposed to be nice and sunny and we have lots of plans for walks, parks, and coffee with friends.  Awesome.

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