Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cute Pictures, and a Giveaway!

Damn, she's good.

Also thought I'd mention that there's an Applesauce Crafts giveaway going on over at Modern Kiddo!  You can win a bib, burp cloth set, and bunny just in time for Easter!  You have until next Friday I think, so go make your comments and get your chance to win some cute stuff!


  1. Those photos are GORGEOUS!!!

    Love the ones you picked for your new header, too!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The photos are amazing Amber! I love the one of you holding Otis's head, but how on earth do you keep your nails so nice? I am in awe!!

  4. I think she photoshopped that!! My nails are all scraggly and unkempt, believe me!
