Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The day is finally here when Otis smiles and isn't gassy!  He was very interested in the light coming in from the window this morning and spent some time smiling at it.  I wish this cute face was lighting up for me, but no, it was for sunshine...

Not that you can blame him, I'm pretty smiley about sunshine, too!  Even though it's cold out, we were able to walk to the local coop grocery the other day.  We got some things to make the most delicious grilled cheese sandwiches ever.  Yum.

Ingrid woke up with Pippi Longstocking hair this morning.  She has finally let me pull her hair back and fell asleep with piggies in her hair last night.  Actually, she passed out so quickly last night that she still had underwear on.  I went in to put a pull-up on her and she stayed asleep as I moved her around, got her pjs off, pull up on, and pjs back on.  All this five minutes after I kissed her good night, she was tired!

Things are great here, we're settling in nicely.  Brendan likes his job, we've seen lots of friends, and Ingrid is a LOT better about her sassiness.  I think she's starting to feel at home again, and we're less stressed now that we're moved in.  I put up curtains, got a rug for Otis' room, a dresser for Ingrid, and I'm about to set up my sewing stuff today.  Ahhh, settling in is so much better than packing up.


  1. I love first smiles! And Ingrid's hairdo is hilarious!

    Good to hear you're all settling in nicely!

  2. He's smiling a sunshine...that is a riot!
