Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Helping Mama

Ingrid's been a good little helper lately.  I really do feel lucky she likes to play by me while I sew, it makes it easy to get stuff done.  Now that Otis is here, he's really the one that hinders my sewing (thanks a lot, buddy!)  With Ingrid I can just pull out the box of scraps or show her my new pin cushion and she can find ways to keep herself busy.

Yesterday I finished up some things for the shop and had to take pictures.  They weren't turning out right just laying on a table, so Ingrid helped.  She's such a good model!

Our friend Tia came to take pictures of Otis on Sunday.  I really cannot wait to see them!!!  She's amazing.  Her daughter is a couple years older than Ingrid so she brought three bags of hand me downs for Ingrid.  It was like Christmas up in here.  Of course Ingrid had to try on everything, including a nightgown with pj pants, a bikini, and this getup.  Yesterday was a full day of changing into new clothes.  How easy it is to please a young one...

Today we are going to play play play.  I feel like I've been really neglectful of Ingrid lately and just having her do stuff near me instead of actually engaging with her.  But today the shop is stocked, laundry is done, groceries have been bought, and after my computer time this morning it's all her.  And Otis.  But he's easy enough usually!  If time does allow, and Ingrid is up for it, we got new wool felt in the mail and I want to cut out a couple pairs of those new baby shoes.  But only if my little dearie wants to.  It's her day today. 

1 comment:

  1. Gotta Love Great Hand Me Downs...Good Luck on getting time to sew in!!
