Monday, January 3, 2011

An Ingrid Weekend.

This weekend was pretty fun, even though we didn't do anything for New Years.  We just hung out and enjoyed time with Ingrid, visited Otis, and did laundry, of course.  The weather was amazing on Saturday so we actually got out to go to the park!  It has been SO LONG since we've done that!!  Ingrid had a great time, but Brendan found out the merry go round makes him puke...

And might I share a nerd joke my husband made??  I said boy that merry go round is rusty.  Brendan said "It's a ferrous wheel!  Get it?"  Oh, chemistry jokes are just the best, aren't they??

Something else cool about this weekend, Ingrid has really gotten into drawing actual objects.  Instead of just scribbling, she likes to do smiley faces, and now has even gone into drawing legs and arms.  Today she drew what looked like Oswald the octopus, and when I said that, she immediately drew his sidekick Weenie the dog.  How clever!!  I know I sound like such a mom, proud of a stick figure her kid has drawn, but it's so cool to see her learning stuff right in front of my eyes!


  1. That is definitely something to be proud of! Beautiful job Ingrid! Glad you guys had a good weekend even with Otis back in the NICU. Glad he'll be home soon! !

  2. I love Ingrid's picture! And geeky chemistry humor is fabulous!

    I'm glad you had a nice weekend, even with Otis in the hospital. I hope you get to bring him home soon!

  3. love the joke! lol and that pic Ingrid drew is amazing! genius!
