Monday, November 22, 2010

Stripey Tights and Slippers

Our weekend was very relaxing.  Brendan finally did not have to do any preparing for any job interviews and was set on spending time with Ingrid.  I got to take a nap and when I woke up I found they had made cookies together!  What a nice surprise!

Ingrid found her stripey tights from last year.  They were huge then, so they still fit her now.  It's a nice change of pace from all the sweat pants she's been wearing lately!  When we went out the other day she had a pair of tights and a sparkly skirt.  She kept saying "Ooh, I'm so fancy!"  Today she also opted for some tights and a skirt.  I would never ever opt for that, so more power to her.

And since I was given so much free time this weekend, I was able to get some more Christmas presents made.  One of them was for me.  I have had this pattern for adult sized kimono slippers sitting in my binder of patterns for ages, but never tried it.  Finally busted that out and made these pretties with full fleece lining.  So comfortable and warm!! 

Ahhh, relaxation for once, instead of the nonstop stress I feel like we've been under lately! 

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