I'm sick. I can't breathe, therefore I can't sleep. When I try to nap, Ingrid jumps on me and suddenly wants to "cuddle" (really she just wants to jump on the couch around me.) I was at my wit's end, so I did what anyone would do--I called my mommy. She agreed to take Ingrid for the weekend, so we met halfway and made the switcheroo.
I love this. Ingrid was SO excited to go to Gramma's, Gramma is happy to have a bundle of energy around for a couple days, and I get to sleep. And get things done. And go out to eat with my husband. And watch a movie. Ahhh, bliss.
I got SO MUCH accomplished today without Ingrid around! I made a burp cloth set, three bibs, a felt garland, took pictures of them all, and listed them all on etsy! That would normally be one week's worth of work for me because I'd have to fit in sewing something here, snapping a picture there, and getting time on the computer whenever I could. But today I just sat and did it. It felt amazing!
I love my kid but boy do I love the break, too!!
Hooray for Gramma!