Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Trip to the Zoo!

We went to Toledo to make use of our membership to the zoo there.  It was a beautiful day, the perfect jeans and tshirt weather, and Ingrid was excited to see the animals.  There was a baby shower event going on so we snuck into the special mom-to-be super close parking!  I have no shame.  I am a mom-to-be, after all...

We finally stopped to see the baby polar bear, which we hadn't gone to before because of the lines.  But on a nice fall day, no lines and we just cruised in and watched the seals swim by.  And the baby was playing in the water with a ball!  It was super cute and made me realize how similar animals are--kids will be kids and they love to play!

We also checked out a spot that's for kids under 8, Nature's Neighborhood.  It's got a treehouse that leads to a slide, which Ingrid would've spent the whole day at.  Also you can go in this building and they have a really big bird section.  And all around the room is a clear tube where you can watch ants working away.  These things were carrying HUGE pieces of leaf, it was kind of cool to watch.  They had a bee section with costumes and a bee hive to climb.  And a clear plastic thing that showed a real live hive, which totally induced shudders in both Brendan and I.  A bee here and there is one thing, but masses of any bugs are just creepy.

We got lunch, saw the polar bears again, and left just in time for the rain to start.  Ingrid played quietly while Brendan and I napped, and now we're having a cozy afternoon in the rain.  Brownies are baking in the oven and we just had hot chocolate.  It's my favorite time of year, yay fall!


  1. Sounds like the perfect day, and I love the picture of Ingrid in the bee costume :-)
    Although I am still a bit in denial about Autumn, you make it sound so lovely and cosy that I can't wait for it to get here!

  2. I miss the mid-west JUST for Fall and Winter. How sad to have sun ALL THE TIME. Seriously.

  3. yay fall! sounds like a great memory making day! man i wish we could come out for fall and go to the zoo. still working on the mister!

  4. You got some really cool pictures! That zoo looks really fun, and I am SO jealous of Ingrid playing quietly while you and Brendan napped!
