Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Otis's First Photo Shoot

Well, folks, the day is here.  We had our ultrasound this morning, and after a hellish 40 minutes to go 2 miles (seriously, people, we are in a small town in MI, not Manhattan...) we made it to the clinic and got going.  We got some nice pictures this time:

And our favorite one of all!

It's a BOY!  I'm so excited, it's what I wanted (other than a healthy baby of course!!) and now Ingrid will have her little brother.  And I won't have to come up with another girl name, whew!  We were getting nowhere with that one.

A boy!  I'm so geeked!


  1. Congratulations:) I have 2 Boys and am expecting a Girl this time in about 6 weeks:) Little Boys are soo Much Fun! Plus I love your name choice!
    Congratulations Again!!!

  2. yay! yay! yay! i am so happy for the liddle family!!!!!

  3. otis rocks. start shopping.

  4. Yay!! Congratulations! I love his name :)

  5. And what a handsome boy he is ;)

    I was totally convinced you were having a boy, yay for being right for once!

  6. OMG, how did i miss this?????? HURRAY!!!!!!! Girls are gorgeous but boys are too much fun!!!! YAY and congrats!!!!!
