Monday, August 2, 2010

Our Angel (and Devil)

I got some great pictures of Ingrid being so sweet this weekend.  She was putting her stuffed animals down for a nap and singing them lullabies.  It was kinda cute.

I have realized if we use non-yelly voices and try to have a bit more patience with her, she does so much better and actually listens to us.  I'm sure it's not rocket science, but it's so hard to remember that in the heat of the moment when you need to leave right now and she still hasn't gotten her shoes.  So this weekend was way better than how it's been the past couple months.

Also seen this weekend was the devil Ingrid.  She passed our mirror and stopped to make faces.  It was so funny, she'd make her mad face, then her happy face, then her mad face, then giggle a little bit.  Here's her mad face, I have no idea where she could have gotten this from... 
And then two seconds later:

Silly girl.


  1. Oh Amber she is devine! I love the evil look! we get that alot these days being 2! lol

  2. lol I still remember practicing my "sad" face in the mirror, I think I was a couple years older than Ingrid though!

  3. There are many things to love in this post. But I think my fave is that your little girl likes Raggedy Anne! That made my day!
