Monday, July 12, 2010

Summery Weekend, and a Scare

There was a carnival across the street from us this weekend so we took Ingrid over after dinner Friday night.  It was a typical carnival--lots of rides that went in circles and would make me puke even if I weren't pregnant, overpriced fatty foods, and trashy people.  But this time going was fun because Ingrid is big enough for rides!  She loved the little train, and tried the boats but was no impressed.  I remember loving those kinds of rides when I was a kid!

Ingrid also got to wash the car with Daddy yesterday.  Silly me forgets as long as you have a hose at your house you can wash your own car--I always do the drive through ones.  She had so much fun using the hose and having her own special rag to help Daddy. 

The scare was that I ended up in the ER last night.  Again.  I should get frequent flier miles there!!  I have had some bleeding, but they took an ultrasound and I saw a healthy 176/minute heartbeat and saw a little peanut in there, moving and kicking and looking healthy.  I'm supposed to rest all this week and not exert myself and I have a follow up appointment with my midwife tomorrow.  I was scared until I saw that heartbeat--it made me feel tons better!  Keep your fingers crossed for me this baby stays put and continues to grow and thrive!


  1. Oh no, poor you.
    Glad all is ok, and hope Bub says exactly where he needs to be for a while yet.
    And I refer to the Bub as a boy, simply because in my limited experience the ones that give the most grief before they even arrive are boys....
    Hugs to you Mama Liddle

  2. Oh, I'm glad everything is okay, and hope this is a one-off scare.

  3. when my best friend was pregnant with her son (now penelope's best friend) she had bleeding and quite a bit... he will be four in september. and like fiona said the boys are the difficult ones!

    get some rest!!!! i wish i could come and take ingrid out for you!!!
