Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vote Now!

As I mentioned before, I joined Etsy Kids and they have a design challenge every month.  I've entered my Li'l Astronaut Gift Set, so go vote for it now!!  I'd really appreciate your support!  Thanks!  Just look over yonder to the right and you should see a big huge poll.  Click the button next to my gift set and help a sister out!  Thanks so much.


  1. You've got my vote, hope you win!

  2. I voted! And you're winning so far! WOo!! Good luck!

  3. I just discovered your blog through Mama Notes...I really like it, so soft and inviting! I visited you because in your comment at Mama Notes you mentioned that you make bibs...this really caught my interest...what a fun and cute little biz, I will have to check out your Etsy page. Oh and I can totally help a sister out...will vote!
