Friday, February 12, 2010

Out of the House!

This morning we actually left our house!  It was the first time Ingrid's been in the car all week and it felt SO GOOD to get out and see people.  We went to a friend's house for a Valentines themed party.  She made us heart shaped blueberry pancakes, sausages, strawberries, and chocolate milk.  Ingrid sat and wolfed down all of hers, some of whoever was sitting next to her, and then came up and ate half of my bagel.  Then about a half hour later she asked for more.  That kid can pack it in!!  The funny thing about that is that her friend who is thee pickiest eater is the biggest of the group...I do not understand kids and their growth patterns.

Other people's toys are always fun, and Ingrid made herself right at home.  They had a toy car she scooted around in, and a stuffed lion she rode like a cowgirl:

Ben had fun, too.  I love that his mom isn't freaked out about a boy wearing a tiara.  He loved that thing!

Here is our adorable little host, Maya, with a bagel moustache.  She was so funny, she knew she had it on her face and giggled and showed everyone.  I love this age when they are just getting a little sense of humor and everything is very silly.

We made it home in time to take a nice little nap, and now Ingrid is reading books.  We have to go out soon to pick up Brendan from work and I think we may stop at the thrift store beforehand.  And then it's the weekend!!  I foresee some baby shoes being made, many many episodes of Lost season 2 being watched (I just got addicted and watched all 24 episodes in the first season in one week...) and perhaps a jaunt or two out in the snow.  Sounds good to me!


  1. Sounded like a fun playdate:) Enjoy your weekend:)

  2. looks like fun.....pip and i went to the thrift store yesterday and i scored some vintage dresses and vintage sheets. one of the dresses is the same one you gave us with the cherries but it is short sleeve and a size 5. i still gotta get the clothes out to you!
