Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Hard Day to Be a Mom...

Today Ingrid was finally over her fever. However, she was still not feeling well and was SO WHINY and SO CLINGY!! It was driving me nuts. This was her face most of the day:

She would hand me a book and I'd ask her if she wanted to read it. She'd say yes, I'd sit down to read it and then she'd burst into tears because I didn't sit in the chair/on the couch/on the floor. She wanted her crayons but when I went to open the box she burst into tears. She wanted something to drink but not orange juice. Not milk. Not water. No wait, maybe milk. No, not milk.

AAAAHHHHH!!! What a frustrating day! She wouldn't take a nap all day long, but at 5pm begged to be put in her bed. For real, kid, you're killing me.

But she looked super cute today, even with the tears and tantrums. There is a giveaway over at Take Time to Smell the Rose and when I went to the website of Happy Green Bee I fell in love. Organic clothes that are cute and stripey and the best shade of green! I got her tights and a couple shirts and I'm so in love with them!


  1. the outfit is so cute! i love the pic of her licking the pole. penelope has been the same whiny way the last 2 days. and it is driving me crazy. i hope she is not getting sick!

  2. I hate the "well enough to cause trouble but not well enough to play" phase when kids are sick! I hope today goes better for you.

    That outfit is adorable!

  3. Sorry to hear everyone sick! Gute Besserung!

  4. Licking the pole? Soon she'll be pole dancing? :)

  5. Hang in there Amber, days like that are tough.
    She does look super cute though!
