Sunday, June 14, 2009


We had the laziest day on Saturday! Both Brendan and I felt hung over even though neither of us had been drinking. Well, other than one beer, which Ingrid thought she'd help herself to...

She must've been feeling a bit out of it, too:

I did manage to make her some new pants. I got some cool fabric from fabricworm and haven't wanted to cut any of it because it's so cute.

I have to find some of Brendan's little kid pictures, but for anyone who thinks she looks exactly like me, she doesn't here!! This could be a picture of Brendan at 13 mo. old!


  1. LOL that last picture is hilarious. She looks just like him. That would be a good post though, comparing all of your baby pictures at the same age? Hmmmm

  2. Those trousers are so cool! She's a very stylish baby :)
