Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gallup Park

We went for a walk yesterday morning in Gallup Park. On our way to the trail we saw a family of geese, the babies were so fluffy and cute! But when I tried to get closer to take a picture, Mama Goose let me know she did not approve--she started doing whatever weird hissing sound she does to warn others to back off. I backed off.


  1. I love that you have two pictures of a mama with her baby/babies. Doesn't look like you are hissing like the mama goose though ;)

  2. LOL! The other day we were walking downtown in the Diag, and came across a squirrel, Ben and I always go on "squirrel hunts" and chase them up trees... I guess that wasn't the best game to start cause this one particular squirrel didn't think we were too funny and was ready to fight. He even put his dukes up. LOL. James went over to him after Ben and I ran for our lives and was trying to shoo him away with the stroller and the squirrel was ready to take on the stroller too! Jeeze, animals these days...
