Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Wedding Weekend

I was in a wedding this weekend so Brendan and I took Ingrid to Holland. We drove straight to the rehearsal, then dropped Ingrid off with Aunt Corie.
We went to dinner, where the wedding party got their presents--monogrammed Snuggies for the guys, so funny! They looked like a cult...
Then we went to New Holland Brewery for drinks. Fun!
Unfortunately, Ingrid had finally fallen asleep at Corie's right before we got there, so instead of leaving her to sleep, we picked her up and stuck her in the car, where she woke up, got mad, and cried until 3am. Brendan drove around with her, we rocked, we sang, nothing was working. Brendan managed to fall asleep with her in the car with Ingrid on his chest. They got a few hours of sleep. No fun.
Luckily the next day was better. I helped get stuff ready at the wedding site, Brendan and Ingrid napped, then Ingrid and I napped, then we got ready and went to the wedding.
It was on Lake Michigan, the weather was perfect, everything looked so beautiful! Christy looked amazing, Keagan wore a little mini-tux, which was adorable, and all the bridesmaids fit into their dresses-one was 5 mo. pregnant, and one had just given birth three weeks ago :) There was a short ceremony, and then lots of great food, drinks, cake and dancing. Ingrid was the belle of the ball, as she was the only other baby besides Keagan there. Everyone kept saying what a great baby she was, which is usually true, but I just laughed and said, yeah, unless she's screaming at 3am...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time. That SUCKS about Ingrid. Sometimes you just want your own bed, ya know? I'm with ya on that one Ingrid :). I want to see more pictures of your dress though! Looks like Brendan's pants worked out, I love his shoe selection.
