Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ingrid's Party!

We had SO MUCH FUN today! It was my sister and her family, my mom, Brendan's parents and our friends Brian and Alaina. We ate food, talked, watched a little Wall-E so everyone knew what the cake was from, and the weather got nice so the kids could go outside!

Here she is with her chair made by her Great Grandma and Grandpa:

Here's the birthday girl all gussied up (in a mama-made dress!)

Here she is with Aunt Corie and Mama:

Here's her Wall-E cake and her eating it (she LOVED it!!)

And here's messy Team Liddle. She grabbed my face right before we took this so I also have frosting all over my face/neck/and tshirt :)


  1. Looks like she had a great party. The chair her great grandparents made is wonderful! What a great present :)

  2. what a cutie! love the dress & the fabric. :)
