Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fireworks and Baseball

For Ingrid's first Fourth of July we were truly American. We took Cody to the park, cooked hot dogs on the grill with Mark and Emma, and walked to Mitchell Park to watch the fireworks. She slept in the front pack, but Brendan and I got to ooh and aah over them. Then on Saturday we decided to go to a Brewer's game. We put her in the front pack and walked to the stadium. We got french fries and beer and I got ketchup all over her hair. Oops. Ingrid was so amazing at the baseball game, she just sat with us and was bright eyed, taking everything in. She got ogled by more than a few people, who all said she was so adorable. Yeah, we know :) And on a very happy note, we're going on three nights of her sleeping five or more hours!

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